Top 5 cards in Clash Royale

The cards are:

  • The princess
  • The Princess

    The princess is one of the most useful cards within this strategic game. This is due to the fact that it allows you to attack enemy troops from your side of the battlefield. This is most useful when you have a heavy troops on the other side of the field and you are trying to protect it. Essentialy you should be using it as a support card.

  • Hog Rider
  • The Hog Rider

    The hog rider is a very useful card because it derectly targets enemy bases and has a fast movement speed. The only thing that you need to know about this card is that the hog rider does not have a large amount of health so you need to make sure the lane is open before you send it in or you should be confident that the player wont be able to attack it.

  • The log
  • The Log

    The log is an important card because it rolls through the field wherever you place it and takes a large amount of health away from the troops that it hits. This is helful if you are trying to push a lane to take out your enemy and they put a large amount of small troops. The log is able to take them out easily and is a good counter to the princess as well.

  • Ice Spirit
  • Ice Spirit

    The ice spirit is helpful becuase it helps you stop the apponents stroops for a small period of time. This is helful if they have a large tanky troop advancing towards your base and you are trying to stop it. It is also useful if you are trying to make your own advance and they put a powerful card within to try to couter you. It stops their troops for a small amount of time that way your troop can get a few hits on their tower.

  • Skeleton Army
  • Skeleton Army

    The skeleton army is a helpful counter to large and tanky troops. This is because this card spawns 16 leveled up skeletons. These skeletons can get a large amount of damage on the troop and have a high chance of killing it before it gets any hits on your base. A downside is that it can be taken out bu spell cards like zap so you should make sure you have a general idea of what your apponents cards are before placing anything down.